Kudos to Mary B. and Welcome Justice Humphrey!

So as I mentioned in a recent entry, we are switching blog servicers and you may have seen a few hiccups in the past few days.  Hopefully things are on track now, but it’s a fine segue to our next subject matter, which is the last American Academy of Appellate Lawyer conference I attended in Santa Fe, with the central topic of — technology.

For the next few entries I’ll be summarizing the useful nuggets from that conference, which discussed other subject matters, too.  But first –

Hurray to Mary Bonauto, the Civil Rights Director at the Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) for her stellar argument before the Supreme Court on the marriage equality case.  Here’s a link to a succinct, easy to understand npr summary of the events (thank you, Nina T.):  http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/20):15/04/29/403035395/watch-the-same-sex-marriage-arguments-in-4-minutes.  Pierce Atwood and GLAD have a longstanding partnership, and we’ve worked with Mary for many years.  Here’s a little snippet from Mary on that relationship. http://www.pierceatwood.com/pro-bono (scroll down to Mary’s video).

Finally, a quick congrats to Hon. Thomas Humphrey, chosen by Governor LePage to replace now retired Justice Silver.  Like all the other current members of the Law Court, he comes from a career of many years on the bench in the District/Superior Court, and I’m sure he’ll be the same, fine contributor at the appellate level, too.

Next, on to Santa Fe.

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