lunching with Lipez
Thursday, June 18, Judge Lipez will be holding another informal lunch meeting with Maine lawyers at the MSBA offices in Augusta. Those interested in attending should contact Karen Wolf ( I reported on the last meeting he held, which was very helpful.
Karen Wolf reports that one issue that Judge Lipez would like to discuss in this meeting is the Court's recent encouragement of settlement that it has articulated at oral argument in some cases. He would like feeback on whether the timing of these post-argument settlement efforts and the forum in which the issue of settlement is raises (oral argument) are helpful and appropriate.
I plan on attending and think that anyone who appears in the First Circuit, even upon occasion, should as well. It's always helpful to hear from a judge on what's going on in his court and what current issues are being discussed. If you can't come, stay tuned for a summary here later in the week.