


This author mindgrub has created 431 entries.

Recent decisions

Practice area:

I’m back from hiking in Vermont (which was very Vermont-y), and eschewing the recent big decisions which speak for themselves (e.g., the Maine SJC’s answer to questions from the Governor on the veto process (2015 ME 107), let’s talk about two decisions, one SJC and one First Circuit, that piqued my interest:  First Tracks Investments, LLC v. Murray, Plumb & Murray, 2015 ME 104; and Clukey v. Town of Camden, No. 14-1264.


Practice area:

The Maine SJC’s current attitude towards amici briefs seems to be that you can be seen, but not heard, although given the lack of transparency as to the criteria it applies on this issue, it is difficult to make generalizations – which is part of the problem.