Tweet tweet!
The Maine SJC is now tweeting -to follow #MECourts, click here.
It looks to me from the first few entries that Matt Pollack, the whizbang clerk, is going to stay on top of this, with a number of useful tweets sent out already. For example, the last one notes that the rules have been tweaked to make clear reply briefs are due two weeks after the appellee brief is filed (or due), i.e. if the appellee files early, the countdown starts. This is unlike when the appellant files early, in which case the appellee's due date remains firm.
It looks like they will tweet out mem decs, which is good, because I forget to look at them, and you never know what nuggets you can find there.
Luddite that I am, I have still signed up, and if it's easy enough for me, it's easy enough for anyone (although signing up on these social media things does make me about those people who have already taken a user name that is my name. I know there's someone else who blogs named Catherine ConnorsI'm the one blogging about what my husband calls exruciatingly obtuse appellate issues).
I am also told that the SJC is going to try to live stream the Tour O' Maine arguments at the high schools next month (see previous blog entry), just like their ordinary arguments.
Can facebook ne far behind?